St. Petersburg Children’s municipal multi-specialty clinical center of high medical technology named after K.A. Rauhfus

Hospital E.R.

The emergency department is a structural unit of the Children's City Multidisciplinary Hospital, which provides highly qualified planned, urgent and emergency medical care. Patients are admitted to the department, sorted according to the severity and profile of the disease, medical documentation is drawn up, a set of diagnostic measures is carried out with emergency care if necessary, and specialized patients are hospitalized in the hospital departments. Patients are admitted to the department, sorted according to the severity and profile of the disease, medical documentation is drawn up, a set of diagnostic measures is carried out with emergency care if necessary, and specialized patients are hospitalized in the hospital departments.

At the emergency department, 5 boxes are deployed for the reception of emergency and scheduled patients of the pediatric, surgical, neurosurgical, maxillofacial profile, as well as specialized rooms for the reception of children with ophthalmic and ENT pathology.

A fully equipped intensive care room for patients admitted with life-threatening conditions are deployed at the reception department.

The department is equipped with procedural rooms, which are used for injections, primary wound treatment, suturing and gypsum bandages. A clinical diagnostic laboratory with an X-ray office and a CT room, an ultrasound, is available 24 hours a day.


  • Surgery;
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Maxillofacial surgery
  • Traumatology
  • ENT disease
  • Endocrinology
  • Pulmonology

Head of department
Anna Matrenina

Head nurse
Elena Burkovskaya

Contact information:
+7 (812) 506-06-06, “#1310”, “#1311”


  • Ligovsky prospect, 8

St. Petersburg Children’s municipal multi-specialty
clinical center of high medical technology
named after K.A. Rauhfus

Hospital Ligovsky prospect, 8 (24/7)
Consultative and diagnostic center:
Suvorovsky prospect, 4 (mon-fri 09.00-20.00, sat. 10.00-14.00)